A superior, performance-driven concrete floor that is resilient , easy to maintain and very durable for outstanding longevity.
Cut Levels

Level 1 Cut – Cream Finish
A light cut that removes the surface paste exposing the fine aggregates near the surface. (Note: This cut will require a high FF (floor flatness) number of 50 or greater. Most existing poured concrete is a FF 35 unless specified.)

Level 2 Cut – Salt & Pepper Finish
A slightly deeper cut the exposes the fine aggregates and begins to expose the coarse aggregates.

Level 3 Cut – Exposed Aggregate Finish
A deep cut that exposes the coarse aggregates in the surface.
Sheen Levels

Level A Sheen – Low Gloss (Matte Finish)
Grit Level: 200
Gloss Meter: 20 – 30

Level B Sheen – Medium Gloss (Reflective Finish)
Grit Level: 800
Gloss Meter: 41- 55

Level C Sheen – High Gloss (Mirror Finish)
Grit Level: 1500
Gloss Meter: 56 or Higher
Our Most Popular Polished Concrete Systems

The Hybrid Polish
Level 2 Cut
Level A Sheen

The Full Polish
Level 2 Cut
Level C Sheen
Other Concrete Options



Polishable Concrete Topping
An aesthetically pleasing solution for polishing imperfect concrete floors to achieve a perfectly smooth, seam-free surface